Mirroring Potential

That feeling when you look into the mirror and what you see reflected back is your waddle or wrinkles or cankles or some other ridiculous perceived flaw that you zero in on immediately but isn’t really a thing, except to you.

Yeah, that feeling. We are our own worst critics; we know it and yet, still can’t help ourselves.

When I was brainstorming ideas about my own brand, I reflected on what it is I do for myself, my kids, my friends and my clients - whether it be advice, referrals, shared skills or experiences. I look in the mirror with them. I don’t see the waddle or wrinkles or cankles (my own ankles are my best feature by the way). I see their potential and I share it with them. I am their biggest fan. That’s not to say I’m not realistic, but it means I don’t see these “flaws” as weaknesses or dealbreakers; rather I see them as a connection.

What’s in the mirror isn’t all there is, and yet we take ourselves and what we do at face value all the time. We tend to be very surface - the Instagram shot is a thing after all - that perfect shot depicting the ideal scenario (that is fabricated beyond all recognition).

Where were we five years ago? What about where we’ll be in another five years? Looking inside for value, inspiration, and potential is where to start when feeling stuck. Why not incorporate your unique brand of humor into your messaging? Or the zen-like approach to your practice? Or the love of color you were told can be distracting? Speaking the language of your heart will connect you to your ideal client; someone that speaks the same language and knows others that speak it too.

Many of my clients are simply looking for permission to let their freak flag fly. Not only do I encourage it, but I show them how it makes them a snowflake worth catching in a snowstorm of competition and industry clutter.

Go look in the mirror. What do you see (after the waddle, wrinkles and cankles)?

What you should see is potential. That’s what I see.


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