How. What.

On my homepage I reference Lucy van Pelt from the Peanuts comic strip. I’ve thought forever that her side hustle, the advice booth, is exactly how I’d model my business someday. I’d hang out my sign, people would come by, pull up a stool, and we’d talk.

So that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m out here waiting for you to come by and pull up a stool. You’re in need of advice and I have strong opinions and sound advice to share. SInce that explanation is a little too easy-breezy, here’s the rundown:

  • We chat for a few minutes over the phone to connect and see if I can help.

  • We schedule a time to meet for two hours, either in person or virtually.

  • You leave with a recording of our converation as well as a transcription. You also get an emailed list of trusted resources, contacts, and ideas that were compiled over the course of our conversation.

  • What comes next is up to you (except paying my invoice, that’s not optional)!

Here’s what I’ve been told by people about our conversations: They feel more energized after we meet. They reconnect with their why. They’re re-inspired enough to explore what’s possible. They start to believe in their own potential. They get unstuck. They feel more confident around their decisions. They become re-engaged in their passion and process. They’e eager to ideate and innovate. They remember to play and have fun. They trust themselves again. They’re open to new “perspectacles.” They show themselves more grace and give themselves permission to be who they’re meant to be, in work and in life.


One of my personal passions is podcasting (really it’s just talking). I host my a radio show on Tuesdays from 3-4pm PST called STACY CONNECTS. It airs live on Alternative Talk 1150 KKNW and is uploaded as a podcast and is available on most platforms.

Additionally I have served as a content creator, co-host, and executive producer on over 10 other podcasts.

When exploring whether to start a podcast, I suggest clients focus on edutaining content that is authentic and relatable to listeners. While podcasts can help with marketing, lead generation and other business goals, have realistic goals and do plenty of research.

Here’s a link to my show: Stacy Connects

If you’d like to learn more about podcasting or be a guest on my show, click CONNECT WITH STACY.


 How I Work Matters

I trust my gut and introduce you to yours…

I’ve joked that I’m like Joan Quigley, the much-derided astrologer to the Reagan White House. If you don’t know who she was, look her up. Once people get the reference, they are a little curious and a lot skeptical. However, using my intuition isn’t what I do, it’s just one way I do it. Once people work with me, like Joan, I become a trusted resource.

My talent lies in holding a mirror up to my clients and showing them what I see. While I articulate the insights, ideas, and potential I see, I am simply translating what’s already there into a language they, and others understand better.

After a brief initial conversation I can determine if I may be of service.

Whether it’s a First Time Visit or we’ve met many times, my intuition helps me listen, understand, and translate the information I glean from our session. Added with my experience and ADHD superpowers, I hold up a mirror and clearly and creatively identify and articulate what I see. Sometimes the results are intangible, like feeling renewed enthusiam and creativity, and sometimes the results are tangible, like concreate resources, contacts, and ideas. Either way, after I hold up a mirror and share what I see, I also show how you can hold it for yourself and trust what you see.

Who Works With Me and Why

I work with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, and folks who are generally feeling unfulfilled. WHat they all have in common is they offer (or want to offer) a service that is often their unique skillset. Some are just starting to explore what that means while others have been doing their thing for a while and are now feeling uninspired in their life and work. Both types of clients need to discover what’s in their DNA so they can build a solid foundation and a sturdy scaffolding for growth. Establishing that connection is key for next-level, sustainable growth and satisfaction.

Every client’s needs are as unique as their obstacle to overcome. I’ve had the pleasure of working with folks on:

  • Recognizing and reframing their challenges as strengths.

  • Realizing they are a brand after 15+ years in business.

  • Routing out and refining their message to reflect their mission.

  • Identifying new platforms, networks and avenues to connect and share with others.

  • Refreshing their perspective and confidence by reframign their outlook.

  • Embracing who their “people” are.

  • Learning to value their “the gut” or intuition as a vital business tool.

Stacy’s gift is her ability to steer and guide and elevate a business based on what she reads from her client… She shared with me an unabashed view of my strengths & weaknesses and how to navigate these effectively in my business plan… Clients continue to comment on my space weekly and different components of my practice that she was responsible for. I can’t think of another professional who brings as wide an offering of insights and resources and humor as Stacy does.

— Peter Connolly, Acute Injury Massage

Want my advice?

STACY CONNECTS invites you to pull up a stool!